5G (5th Generation) is the next wave of high-speed, cellular technology networks. With its higher bandwidth demands, 5G operates at a higher carrier frequency, which takes more power and more transmission antenna sites to provide full network coverage.
Let’s look at a few of the benefits that come with 5G:
-The most likely application in which a foil shield is required would be in DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) or small cell cables.
-DAS is likely to be a very hot segment as 5G coverage is expanded – mainly in (but not limited to) highly populated areas.
-If a shield tape is used for the large composite tower cables, it would be in conjunction with a braid, so one would have shielding effectiveness with 100% surface area coverage.
Somewhat similar to when the concept “paperless” came about, there ended up being more paper than ever. The same, but even more so, applies to today’s wireless technology. In order to have successful wireless networks for the consumer, there are more cable installments, wiring and equipment being manufactured and deployed than ever before. Here at Chase, we commit to supporting this market with innovative products and services.
Interested in learning more about how you may support 5G? Reach out and speak with a Chase Wire and Cable representative today.