
CHASE BlH2Ock® Moisture Block Compound: New Technical Bulletin

Posted by Chase Corp Editor on Apr 27, 2021 1:10:28 PM
Chase Corp Editor
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Technical BulletinChase is proud to announce a new technical bulletin for Chase BlH2Ock®. This comprehensive document is a highly informative review of the product’s incomparable, industry-leading performance in providing water blocking for MV cable applications.  The bulletin provides insight into the product’s development history, testing, typical properties, quality control, application, and cleaning.

Chase BlH2Ock® is a flexible semi-conductive thermoplastic/semi-conductive mastic used for moisture protection in the conductor strand of medium voltage underground and submarine cables. To meet industry requirements for moisture blocking agents, the compound is designed to prevent ingress and longitudinal migration of water within the stranded core of power cables. If Chase BlH2Ock® is properly applied, the cable will meet water penetration test ICEA T-31-610.

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Topics: Technical Bulletin, Chase Corporation, Moisture protection

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