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The Next Step in Safety

Zap-loc superabsorbentsThe Zap-Loc solidifier for medical and laboratory use greatly reduces the risk for spread of infection through the fast and efficient solidification of infected waste.  The Zap-Out line of solidifiers takes this one step further through the addition of a patented additive for treating the waste fluid during the solidification process.

With a >99.9999% kill rate of infectious microbes, Zap-Out eliminates the potential for the spread of infection. See the table below:

infectious microbe kill rate table


Related article: 


Untitled-1In certain states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina, Texas and Vermont, the treatment of body fluid waste in suction canisters is sufficient to forego the designation “red bag” waste, and incineration is no longer required.  In these states, the solidified and treated fluid can be disposed as regular waste.

Zap-Loc and Zap-Out products are designed for use with surgical suction canisters and other fluid waste containment vessels ranging in volumes of 500 to 3000mL and are supplied in either single-use pack or quick-dispense bottle form.  To further improve usability, both Zap-Loc and Zap-Out can be added to empty suction canisters before use or filled canisters for rapid, safe and efficient solidification of the waste fluids.

For further information, please contact Zappa Stewart.

Dissolvable Pack Solidifier Technology


This entry was posted in Super Absorbent Polymers, Medical Waste Solidification on September 10, 2019 by Chad Showalter