The contractor’s Bridge Repair and Resurfacing job was located on one of the busiest sections of I-95. The contractor was only allowed to close half the roadway at a time for milling, deck repairs and asphalt paving. Because of that, the work was done in two phases on the several bridges in the westbound direction.
LOCATION: New Jersey Turnpike, I-95 ML 92 to 122.
CLIENT: New Jersey Turnpike Authority
CONTRACTOR: D’Annunzio & Sons Inc.
CHASE CORPORATION PRODUCT: Thermoplastic polymeric asphalt additive Rosphalt 50
To minimize the impact on the already heavy traffic, highway closures were done during the weekend. This helped to avoid the work-time rush. The existing concrete deck overlay was replaced with a special waterproof asphalt course containing a polymeric additive. This dry additive was introduced into the wearing mix at the batch plant. The polymerization of the asphalt concrete allows it to get much higher flexural fatigue, rutting and shoving resistance than a regular mix.
For the waterproofing characteristic of the mix to work, it was vital to maintain a maximum of 3% air voids in the compacted course. This was constantly monitored during paving by checking the asphalt mat compaction with nuclear gages. As a result, an average of 98.0% compaction of the mat was achieved. The contractor managed to successfully perform deck repairs and pave all 565 tons of this wearing mix within two weekends.
Related Article: What Does An Edge Seal Coating Do For Waterproofing
Introducing asphalt additive at Tilcon’s asphalt batch plant
After the initial pass of the roller during a nightshift paving
Finishing roller
If you are interested in reading up on more Chase Bridge and Highway Case Studies, we looked at the ways contractors have solved issues involving setting expansion joints in high heat. Additionally, you may find our overview on Bridge Deck Overlay particularly helpful.
For more on asphalt additive Rosphalt products and what they can do for your next construction project, please visit the Chase website at