Chase Corporation Bridge & Highway

Ben Shterengarts

Ben Shterengarts
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Why Asphalt Micro-Milling and Scarification Improves Bridge Decks

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Jul 17, 2024 11:05:29 AM

Asphalt milling has a rich history. It is mainly a process of removing thin layers of asphalt (typically up to one inch in depth) from the roadway…

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Topics: Bridge Deck Preparation

Solving the Impact of Temperature Change on Bridge Deck Expansion Joints

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Jan 18, 2024 11:43:15 AM

When designing and building a bridge, it's essential to consider how temperature changes will affect the joint movement—which is the opening or closing…

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Topics: Expansion Joints, Bridge Deck Preparation

How To Fix, Repair, and Patch Waterproof Membranes

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Sep 11, 2023 3:27:14 PM

Bridges and highways are the lifelines of our transportation system. But beneath the concrete and asphalt, there's an essential layer of defense:

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Topics: waterproofing, Bridge membrane, waterproofing membranes

5 Common Mistakes (and 8 Best Practices) for Bridge Deck Membranes

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on May 10, 2023 10:57:22 AM

The waterproofing sheet membrane system is a reliable and durable method of protecting bridge structures from moisture and chlorides. A properly installed…

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Topics: Bridge Deck Preparation, waterproofing membranes, sheet membrane, how to

Protect Bridge Decks with Rosphalt®-Modified Asphalt Overlay

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Sep 8, 2022 2:06:09 PM

Preservation of bridge decks from roadway salt and water penetration can be accomplished using various types of deck sealers: waterproofing membranes,…

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Topics: Rosphalt, Asphalt Additive Mix, Bridge Deck Preparation, HMA, Hot-Mix Asphalt, Rosphalt SG

The Use of Rosphalt Products on Throgs Neck Bridge Deck Reconstruction

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Mar 1, 2022 2:34:25 PM

A major roadway in the New York City area runs through the Throgs Neck Bridge, which is currently undergoing significant reconstruction costing $253…

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Topics: Bridge and Highway, waterproofing, Bridge Preparation, Bridge Deck Preparation, Case Study, Bridge membrane

Bridge Resurfacing Using HMA Surface Course with Rosphalt 50

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Feb 4, 2022 4:00:40 PM

The contractor’s Bridge Repair and Resurfacing job was located on one of the busiest sections of I-95. The contractor was only allowed to close half the…

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Topics: Bridge and Highway, Rubberized Asphalt Membranes, Bridge Preparation, Case Study, Membrane Surface Preparation, Bridge membrane

Case Study: Waterproofing Expansion Joints in High Temperatures

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Jan 18, 2022 2:47:57 PM

    26th Ward Wastewater Treatment Plant

LOCATION: Brooklyn NYC, near Jamaica Bay

CLIENT: New York City Department of Environmental Protection


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Topics: Bridge and Highway, Expansion Joints, Bridge Preparation, Case Study, Bridge membrane

What is a bridge deck overlay and why is it important?

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Jul 29, 2021 2:30:00 PM

Roadway bridge structures play significant roles in our lives. Have you ever counted the number of bridges you cross every day just going to work and then…

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Topics: Bridge and Highway, Bridge Preparation, Bridge Deck Preparation, Bridge membrane, Roshpalt

Waterproofing Membranes for Pennsylvania DOT

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Jun 24, 2021 1:00:00 PM

A major bridge maintenance problem is the deterioration of the deck. Among the bridge preservation actions defined by the Federal Highway Administration…

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Topics: Bridge and Highway, Royston, Bridge Deck Preparation, Bridge membrane