Chase Corporation Bridge & Highway

The Use of Rosphalt Products on Throgs Neck Bridge Deck Reconstruction

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Mar 1, 2022 2:34:25 PM
Ben Shterengarts
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Throngs Neck Bridge

A major roadway in the New York City area runs through the Throgs Neck Bridge, which is currently undergoing significant reconstruction costing $253 million. The bridge opened in 1961 and has supported more than 100,000 vehicle trips per day since.

Throgs Neck Bridge connects the section of the Bronx with the Bay Terrace section of Queens

The work contract required a new wearing surface over the orthotropic steel decking. The entire steel deck was reconstructed in 6 phases, which kept the bridge open for traffic in both directions.

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The selected overlay product needed to be bonded to the substrate and resilient to years of bridge bending and thermal movements without cracking. For bridges with orthotropic steel bridge decking, which is lighter and more flexible than concrete decks, the waterproofing and flexibility characteristics of the overlay system would be the highest priority during selection. The transportation agency, MTA Bridges and Tunnels, looked for a material with high resistance to fatigue, smooth ride, and long-life qualities.

Related Article: What is Bridge Deck Overlay and Why is It Important?


Bridge Maintenance on Throngs Neck

Phase 1 of construction

The thin, thermoplastic polymer-modified asphalt overlay previously used on Throgs Neck Bridge appeared to be the perfect solution. During the 2021 construction season, four out of six phases of deck reconstruction were completed and paved over with nearly 2,090 tons of wearing mix containing the Rosphalt 50 additive. The dry powder additive was combined in an asphalt plant with heated aggregate and liquid asphalt, which made the wearing course highly resistant to rutting and shoving.


Night Time Bridge Repair

Paving asphalt overlay

For a bridge deck paved with an asphalt overlay, sealing the edges and joints on the deck against water intrusion is vital. Edge sealing is particularly critical at the gutter line of a bridge deck and around the scuppers. The contractor was able to utilize the line striping equipment to spray and apply the Royston 120-29 edge sealer for each of the joints.


Waterproof and Edge Sealing on Bridge

Royston 120-29 Edge Sealer Application

Chase Construction Product’s asphalt additives, Rosphalt 50 and Rosphalt 50-LT, create a one-step solution for waterproofing wearing courses for bridges and can be used in high-stress areas where superior performance is necessary, such as ports, toll booths, airports, and industrial pavements. If you have any questions or require information for your next paving project, please visit the Chase website at

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Topics: Bridge and Highway, waterproofing, Bridge Preparation, Bridge Deck Preparation, Case Study, Bridge membrane

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