Chase Corporation Bridge & Highway

What Does An Edge Seal Coating Do For Waterproofing?

Posted by Ben Shterengarts on Mar 18, 2020 10:15:00 AM
Ben Shterengarts
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Edge Sealer southbound lane along barrier[2]

The durability of a bridge deck is largely dependent on the effectiveness of the installed waterproofing system. For a bridge deck paved with an asphalt overlay, sealing the edges and joints on the deck against water intrusion is a necessity. 

Edge seal coatings are used around the peripherals of the overlay  to create watertight seals between the concrete, steel or masonry with any materials. These coatings are commonly used on perimeters and joints and adhere easily to concrete and asphalt-based surfaces, such  as asphalt utilized as overlays on bridge decks. 

Typical characteristics of an edge seal coatings:

  • Can be cold applied
  • Is easy-to-apply
  • Utilizes a single component
  • Made with a high-viscosity rubberized sealant


Edge Sealer near Parapet Wall-1

Edge seal coatings can be applied to all vertical surfaces of curbs, parapet walls, drains, utilities, and joints prior to placement of an asphalt overlay.  It can also be applied over  transverse and longitudinal joints of the asphalt after it is installed. 

Edge sealing” is particularly critical at the gutter line of a bridge deck and around the “scuppers” or drains.  Edge seal coatings help to “glue” an asphalt mix to the concrete, ensuring a proper watertight seal is maintained.

Edge seal coatings are also applied to the top of each joint after the paving operation is complete by placing approximately 30 mils (credit card thickness) at the joint. The typical coverage rate is 40 linear feet per gallon.

Due to its strong resistance to low-temperature cracking, an edge seal coating is an excellent material for waterproofing asphalt joints


Sealing the edges of asphalt is an important part of a paving operation and is intended to ensure proper waterproofing throughout the application. 

Chase Corporation manufactures an edge sealer under the name Rosphalt Rubberized 120-29 Asphalt Edge Sealer;  it provides higher crack resistance than typical performance grade (PG) sealer products.

For more on edge sealing products and applications and to see how they can benefit your next paving project, , visit the Chase website

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Video: deck preparation, edge sealer and tack coat application to final 

Topics: waterproofing, Edge Sealer, Bridge Preparation

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