
Chase Marker Identification Tape

Posted by Chase Corp Editor on Mar 23, 2022 12:36:29 PM
Chase Corp Editor
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Marker Tapes

When a cable application doesn’t lend itself to surface printing on the cable jacket, Chase can provide multiple marker identification tape options to meet specific end-user requirements. For high-temperature applications, we offer 0.001” polyimide tape in 1/8, 1/16 and 3/64-inch widths or 0.003” Nomex tape in 1/8 and 1/16-inch widths.

If the temperature is not a concern, Chase can supply PET printed tapes in a variety of thicknesses and widths to meet your specific cable needs.

If abrasion resistance is needed, Chase offers a laminated version in which the print is encapsulated between two PET film layers. Legends are customized to meet customer specifications, including accurate length serialization in either feet or meters.

No order quantity is too small or too large for Chase to handle.

For more information, visit our website at chasecorp.com, or contact Chase customer service at customerservice@chasecorp.com.        

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Topics: Marker Tapes, Identification Tapes, multipurpose tape

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