
Industrial Tapes for Critical Applications

Posted by Chase Corp Editor on Nov 5, 2021 10:12:23 AM
Chase Corp Editor
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Wire and Cable Social Media Post-Recovered copyChase Corporation offers industrial tapes in a variety of film/foil constructions, which are used in critical applications, such as electronic, data, and instrumentation cables. When high temperatures are a concern, polyimide films are used for shielding tapes to protect cables from electromagnetic and radio frequency interference.

Chase’s product line 1526 is a three-ply polyimide and aluminum tape construction that's widely used in aerospace applications and is a cable component in many of the manned space flights we routinely see in the news. Contact our sales team today to learn more about our full line of shielding tapes to meet your specific cable construction needs. 

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Topics: Wire & Cable, Electronic Protection, Shielding Tapes, Critical Applications

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