
Eliminate Costly Tape Breaks Today with SLICKTAPE®

Posted by Chase Corp Editor on Jan 8, 2021 9:00:00 AM
Chase Corp Editor
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SLICKTAPECable manufacturers can be plagued by efficiency losses and production delays due to tape breaks. Typically, when shielding tapes are applied, they come in contact with metal forming tools, dead bars and rollers that create drag and scuffing, the result is foil dust and/or flaking, which in turn creates debris. This debris accumulates, causing the tape to drag and break. Instead of an efficient process and timely production, there’s costly machine downtime and cable scrap.

Chase Corporation offers a product to eliminate these issues: a self-lubricating tape. When the lightly coated foil side of the tape touches any contact points, folding or forming tools, the microencapsulated mineral oil beads burst, and the tape becomes lubricated.

These beads, when activated, apply a precise amount of lubrication to the tape, eliminating the need for messy silicone and mechanical oil drips and reducing tape breaks due to metal-on-metal scuffs and accumulated debris. In a word, line speeds are improved.

This unique Chase product is called SLICKTAPE®. The lubricant is applied directly to our foil tapes, which can be supplied in standard and custom widths and put ups.

For more information and to review our SLICKTAPE (SL) technical data sheets, visit 

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