Cable installation professionals know material selection plays a critical role in a job’s success. This is especially true for how the cable is installed in the conduit. NEPTCO developed MULETAPE with the goal of creating the safest and most economical pulling media that doesn't burn plastic ducts. After four decades of use in the field, MULETAPE demonstrates incredible heat distribution and low-stretch properties, eliminating the risk of snap-back, and resulting in safer and easier pulls. (FREE Samples Available)
Joe Sylvia
Recent Posts
Case Study: Field Test Comparisons of Cable Pulling Lubricants
Topics: Lubricant, Cable installation, MULEGLIDE
Silicone vs Soap: Choosing the Right Lubricant for Cable Installation
Lubricant is crucial for underground cable installations. The right lubricant reduces friction and protects both cables and workers during installation. Conventional cable lubricants use a soap-based chemistry to reduce friction. However, as soap dries out it becomes sticky and can increase the pulling friction.
There is a new alternative silicone-based option hitting the market that boasts impressive performance characteristics. NEPTCO, the only makers of MULETAPE, has launched MULEGLIDE, a powerful new silicone lubricant to make cable installation jobs faster, smoother, and easier than ever.
Topics: Lubricant, Cable installation, MULEGLIDE
Our customers often ask us to recommend a MULETAPE, a product created by NEPTCO nearly four decades ago, for their applications. There are a number of factors that go into our recommendations. Cable weight is the biggest influence, followed by the number of bends and finally the conduit size. All of these variables contribute to pulling tension and MULETAPE recommendations.
Topics: MULETAPE, Calculator, Pulling Tension Guide
Reduce HDD Fluid Waste Management Costs and Risks with Superabsorbent Polymers
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installations generate large volumes of spent drilling mud, which must be managed properly to avoid unnecessary treatment and disposal (T&D) costs and environmental risks. Contractors and owners often choose to solidify drilling mud on-site with superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) because of the cost savings, ease of use, and environmental benefits that SAPs offer. The following SAP FAQs and dosing recommendations may help you to plan a more efficient and safe HDD operation:
Topics: Horizontal Drilling, Liquid Waste Management, superabsorbent polymers, HDD, Fluid management
Finally, A Tracer Wire That is Safe To Use in a Lightning Storm
The ability to find underground plastic gas lines is critical to public safety, but some gas companies are reluctant to place a metal conductor with their gas lines out of fear that a lightning strike could lead to an explosive situation.
When plastic pipe and tracer wire are pulled back through a horizontal bore, the tracer wire tends to wrap around the pipe. There are documented cases of lightning strikes that have traveled down the length of the tracer wire. The extreme heat caused by the high voltage transfers from the tracer wire and has caused the plastic pipes to rupture and create a potential hazardous situation.
However, there is a product that has been extensively tested and will not transfer the energy of a lightning strike. Click here to download the test report.
Topics: PAD Blogging, Lightning Strike
A Project Executed On The Hardest Terrain.
The Darling Ranges to the north of Perth in Western Australia is a rocky and difficult terrain to horizontally direction drill through. Special rock drilling bits are required to get through the solid granite.
Topics: Horizontal Drilling, Trace Safe RT1800
Neptco revolutionized the tracer wire market when it introduced Trace Safe, the world’s first tracer wire that incorporated water blocking technology to protect the solid copper conductor from water ingress. There are two distinct products that incorporate many of the same features but there are key differences.
Topics: PAD Blogging, trace safe
Most planning engineers will require a big tracer wire believing a wide gauge conductor will provide a better signal and be more durable than a tracer wire with a narrow gauge. Other planning engineers will require a bigger tracer wire because they believe that a wider gauge conductor will last longer once its buried and provide greater strength during a pull back. In either situation, a bigger tracer wire isn’t better.
Topics: PAD Blogging