Functional Additives

What’s the Best Choice for Your Application? Thermoplastic vs. Glass Microspheres

Posted by Mark Elve on Mar 15, 2018 2:00:04 PM
Mark Elve
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Dualite® Microspheres There are several types of low-density hollow microspheres to consider when choosing a microsphere for your application. Thermoplastic, glass, ceramic and phenolic beads represent the main family of microspheres from which to choose.

The challenge is determining which type will be the best choice for your application. This will depend on your process and the goal of your product characteristics.

For the following comparison, we are going to focus on Dualite thermoplastic microspheres vs. hollow glass microspheres:


Dualite® Expanded Microspheres

Glass Microspheres

true density

range from 0.03 g/cc to .135 g/cc

range from 0.125 g/cc to 0.60 g/cc

particle size

range is from 25 microns to 150 microns

range from 18 microns to 65 microns

temperature resistance

range from 250 F° to 350 F°

maximum temperature 1112 F°

pressure resistance

range from 2000 psi to 2500 psi

range from 250 psi to 28,000 psi

shear resistance

exceptionally shear resistant and sprayable

rigid and friable and can break during mixing and spraying


What’s Dualite’s ® Chemical Resistance?


Full Incompatibility

Partial Incompatibility


Dualite® microspheres

  • low molecular weight ketones – MEK, acetone
  • low molecular weight alcohols – methanol, ethanol
  • low molecular weight amide – DMF (dimethylformamide)



  • low molecular weight ketones – MEK, acetone
  • low molecular weight alcohols – methanol, ethanol
  • low molecular weight amide – DMF (dimethylformamide)



  • water
  • higher molecular weight alcohols and glycols (IPOH, ethylene glycol and above)
  • alkanes
  • aromatic hydrocarbons (toluene, xylene)
  • chlorinated hydrocarbons (chloroform, perchloroethylene)

glass microspheres

  • compatible with all solvents




Based on the comparisons above, both Dualite® thermoplastic microspheres and glass microspheres have their strengths and weaknesses. If you need an ultra low-density material that is shear stable, flexible and sprayable, look no further than Dualite microspheres. On the other hand, if you need a high- pressure, chemical-resistant microsphere, choosing glass microspheres is the way to go. 

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