
Chase Corporation First Responder Product Used in Ventilators

Posted by Chase Corp Editor on Apr 23, 2020 8:21:18 AM
Chase Corp Editor
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Medical students walking through corridor at the university

Not a day goes by that we don’t hear about the effects of COVID-19. The number of those infected, the sick, and sadly, the deaths. Supporting our frontline medical responders has never been more important. Their requests for help are universal: more personal protective equipment (gowns, masks, gloves, face shields) and in the ICUs that are handling the sickest of the patients, more ventilators. The majority of the patients that end up in an ICU require help breathing.

The ramp-up to provide these badly needed ventilators is not an easy task. Over the last few weeks we at Chase Corporation have been asked to support your efforts to provide materials, including printed marker tapes (MID), non-woven tapes, and shielding tapes, that go into the cables used to power the ventilators. In most cases, we shipped the orders within 24 hours.

They say time is money. In this case time means lives saved. We were proud to support your efforts in fighting this battle.

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