Graham Wilson

Graham Wilson
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Combatting Stormwater Erosion with Detention and Retention Tanks

Posted by Graham Wilson on May 16, 2024 3:24:50 PM

Erosion occurs when winds or water interact with soil and rock, causing the affected earth to wear away. The most common example of erosion is at the beach, where tide patterns cause water to move up onto the shore and away from the shore, dragging the sand out to sea and changing the landscape. 

To remedy this, communities have built retaining walls that follow parallel to the shoreline to help stop surface and subsurface erosion. While the beach may be the most thought of place where erosion occurs, it also happens onshore. Torrential downpours can wreak havoc by causing flooding and extreme soil erosion. Like beach erosion, there are ways to mitigate this issue.  

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Topics: Concrete Waterproofing, Water Tank

A Deeper Dive Into Essential Waterproofing Terminology - Technical Data Sheets Edition

Posted by Graham Wilson on Aug 10, 2023 10:31:40 AM

In our last installment, Waterproofing Coatings Terminology 101, we reviewed some central concepts and terms in waterproofing to define the processes and materials common to our industry.  In this installment, we take a deeper dive into coating terminology with a focus on the concepts documented in important product information sheets--specifically Technical Data Sheets (TDS).

TDS' are essential for every applicator as they outline, in great detail, significant product and material attributes that are essential to firmly grasp prior to coating. Let's look at what it takes to fully read these important documents.

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Topics: CIM Concrete Waterproofing, membranes, Technical Data Sheets

3 Excellent Methods of Corrosion Protection for Potable Water Tanks

Posted by Graham Wilson on Jun 6, 2023 10:34:17 AM

Drinking water infrastructure provides clean, potable water to countless people around the globe. In the United States (including territories) alone, there are over 145,000 active public water systems and nearly 2.2 million miles of underground pipes delivering safe, reliable water to millions of people. Continued maintenance and upgrades to this infrastructure are critical to the communities and asset owners they serve. 

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Topics: Potable Water Tank, Corrosion protection, Cathodic Protection Systems, waterproofing membranes

Waterproofing Coatings Terminology 101

Posted by Graham Wilson on Oct 6, 2022 11:39:10 AM

The definition of waterproofing is very straightforward: to protect an object from water-based damage. Often, the main function of waterproofing material is to keep water out from an area or to keep water contained within an area. Regarding the residential, commercial, and industrial construction industries; there are many common terms to define the concepts and materials involved with waterproofing. Words and phrases related to product selection, site preparation, physical specifications, application conditions, installation, and testing, are just a few categories of terms that you may come across.

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Topics: Waterproofing Membrane, Construction

The Vital Role of Balcony Waterproofing

Posted by Graham Wilson on Sep 3, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Exterior balconies are more than just features on buildings; they are places to host guests, read good books, and enjoy the views. For some, balconies become the focal points of living spaces. People think of the comfort of their living spaces but rarely think about how the building envelope (the exterior skin that acts as a barrier against water, water vapor, air and temperature) works until there is a leak or draft. That same building envelope that creates cozy living rooms and warm sunrooms and beautiful balcony spaces doesn't just provide comfort; it also provides critical protection to the entire structure, ensuring a safe living environment.

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Topics: CIM Concrete Waterproofing, Concrete Sealant, CIM industries, Balcony waterproofing

8 Reasons Why Hiring a Trained Applicator is a Smart Move

Posted by Graham Wilson on Feb 20, 2020 12:00:00 PM

Waterproofing, how difficult can it be?  You purchase the product, get either the sprayer, squeegee or brush ready for application, then spread the material and let it cure, right?  Not quite.  Waterproofing certain areas is a crucial component of many architectural and industrial projects.  While the process may seem simple, there are several factors requiring close attention to ensure the best outcome for the project.  Most important among those are product selection and application. 

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Topics: Trained Applicator Program, Training, CIM industries

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