
Product Bulletin – Chase Corrugated Polyester Film

Posted by Chase Corp Editor on Nov 24, 2020 10:04:29 AM
Chase Corp Editor
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Chase & Sons social mediaChase Wire and Cable Materials offers a unique product to the industry, one that many customers may not be familiar with: a PET film that’s thicker without being weightier. Chase’s unique film corrugation process allows us to take standard electrical grade polyester film, otherwise known as polyethylene terephthalate or PET, and heat set a permanent longitudinal corrugation pattern into it. The result is a PET film with 4 to 5 times the original thickness without the added weight of a thicker film.

Chase’s corrugated PET can be used as an economical space filler in medium voltage energy cables, a bedding tape in power cables, and a cable wrap in low voltage building wire. In certain applications, it can provide additional crush resistance in metal clad (MC) cables. The potential uses of Chase’s corrugated PET are limited only by your design creativity.

Chase Corporation’s corrugated PET film is available in three standard constructions:

  • CR142   0.00142” (36 m) PET Film, Corrugated thickness 0.0085” (216 m)
  • CR200   0.002” (51 m) PET Film,  Corrugated thickness 0.0095” (241 m)
  • CR300 0.003” (76 m) PET Film,  Corrugated thickness 0.0095” (241 m)

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