Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin
HumiSeal Midwest Account Manager
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Testing for Reliability: EV Motor Magnet Bonding

Posted by Dan Griffin on Mar 13, 2023 9:59:29 AM

Permanent magnet motors have been around for a very long time. Nevertheless, the technology and chemistry involved in their production have developed tremendously. This is due to a wide range of market factors, including:

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Topics: EV, Electric Vehicle, motor

Processing Thermally Conductive Polymers: Challenges and Solutions

Posted by Dan Griffin on Aug 10, 2022 11:05:50 AM

The use of thermally conductive polymers has been accelerating in recent years. This growth is being driven by increased demand and technical advances in applications, such as:

  • EV battery cooling
  • High voltage EV and yard tool chargers
  • Miniaturization of trace spacing and gaps on PCBs
  • And many more….


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Topics: Polymers, Thermal Conductivity, Electric Vehicle, thermal polymers

Protecting Electronics Connectors Using Silicone Gel Grommet Seals

Posted by Dan Griffin on Oct 21, 2021 10:00:00 AM


Electronics connectors have evolved from simple wire-to-wire interface components to those capable of transferring enormous volumes of data required for applications such as video and autonomous driving. Connectors are also being exposed to more demanding environmental conditions such as liquids, noxious gases, extreme temperatures, mechanical shock, and vibration. In order to improve reliability and longevity, many industries including aerospace and automotive have chosen to include flexible thermoplastic gel-pads in designs.

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Topics: Electronic Protection, Automotive, Seals, Grommets, Sealants, Electronic Connectors, GelTEK

Polymers For The Protection of Your Underground Devices

Posted by Dan Griffin on Oct 4, 2021 10:00:00 AM

A lot of scary things happen underground. It can be wet, dirty, smelly, and filled with all sorts of creepy-crawly things. Not exactly the ideal environment for your carefully designed and often sensitive electrical or mechanical devices. At Chase’s Resin Designs and HumiSeal, we have been in the business of providing protection for underground devices for decades. We have developed a wide range of durable, rugged polymer solutions. They can be used as adhesives, gaskets, and coatings to keep even the nastiest of underground invaders at bay.

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Topics: Humiseal, Corrosion protection, Protection for PCB, Gaskets, Underground Devices, Protective Polymers

Advantages of LED Curable Adhesives for Medical Device Assemblies

Posted by Dan Griffin on Mar 3, 2021 1:15:00 PM

Medical device and componentry, ranging from needle/catheter assemblies to more complex designs, continue to explode in popularity and functionality. Recent pandemic events have, of course, contributed to a huge upsurge in urgency and demand for hypodermic needles. The call for high performance and reliability has not abated, but there is now the additional requirement for high speed and cost efficiency at a level never before seen.

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Topics: Medical Adhesives, Medical Grade Adhesives, AXIS, Medical Devices

Electric Vehicles: Polymers for Performance, Reliability, & Protection

Posted by Dan Griffin on Aug 17, 2020 12:30:00 PM

Adoption of plug in -electric vehicles (EVs) has been slower than many expected, but there is little question the next few years will see adoption accelerate. Your hypersensitive dog will have to find new visitors to harass when your delivery drivers arrive without notice, driving to your door silently in all-electric commercial vans. Many of your favorite suppliers and stores have already ordered these vehicles. Game-changing battery and charging developments are eliminating range anxiety, and autonomous driving controls and safety innovations are in the final stages of building our trust.

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Topics: Thermal Interface Materials, Vibration Suppression, Thermosink, Conformal coating benefits, EMI conductive gaskets, EV, Electric Vehicle

Multifunctional EMI Shielding Gaskets and Ropes

Posted by Dan Griffin on Jun 24, 2020 1:07:20 PM

EMI and RFI shielding of electronic devices can be critical to their reliability and safety. Proper protection and shielding are vital in many challenging industries including aerospace, medical devices, and transportation. In addition to shielding, grounding of devices as well as protection from galvanic corrosion can extend service life and reliability. Chase Corporation has developed a unique line of preformed gasketing and shielding materials that can combine to serve the multiple functions of shielding, grounding, and corrosion resistance within a single material.

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Topics: UV adhesives, EMI/RFI shielding, Gaskets, EMI shielding, RFI shielding, EMI conductive gaskets, Grounding gasket sheets, EMI gaskets, EMI gel rope gaskets

What Is the Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) of a Polymer

Posted by Dan Griffin on Apr 29, 2020 10:00:00 AM

image: Plastic transitioning from solid to amorphous

One of the most common terms that you hear when discussing polymers used as adhesives and coatings is the “glass transition temperature” (often abbreviated Tg). This property is in fact one of the most critical to consider when choosing the correct material for your application. Since many of us never got further than high school physics and chemistry, this term can be a little confusing and deserves explanation.

A layman’s definition of the glass transition temperature of a polymer is the temperature at which an amorphous polymer moves from a hard or glassy state to a softer, often rubbery or viscous state.

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Topics: Epoxy Adhesives, Glass Transition, Adhesive Solutions, Polymers, Curable Adhesive, Glass Transition Temperature

Is a UV Curable Adhesive or Coating the Right Choice for Me?

Posted by Dan Griffin on Mar 12, 2020 1:15:00 PM

The past few decades have seen the emergence and use of ultraviolet (UV) light cured polymers across a range of industries and applications. UV cured polymers have proven their value in applications such as printing inks, adhesives, and protective coatings among others.

One of the first industries to accept and utilize UV curing polymers was the printing industry. Existing technology was mainly polymers and inks dissolved or suspended in highly flammable and hazardous solvents such as Toluene and Xylene. UV curable inks and coatings were ideally suited for this industry. Their nearly immediate curing allowed for high speeds, and their 100% solids composition often eliminated the need for pollution and fire control technology.

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Topics: UV Curable (Type AR/UR), UV adhesives, UV Curing, UV light

mmWave Radar Design Enhancement with TechFilm B-Stage Adhesives

Posted by Dan Griffin on Oct 1, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar technology has emerged as an accurate and cost-effective approach to motion sensing and control.  Resin Designs’ TechFilm B-Stage Epoxies (electrically conductive and structural) have been enhancing the performance of these devices.  With their precise bond line thickness and placement accuracy, the B-stage epoxy films play critical roll in ground plane formation and adhesion of patch antenna to power boards.   The technology has been front and center in the automotive arena from basic safety innovations like back up and side sensing devices to full autonomous driving development. As mmWave devices increase in number within an automobile, a number of key factors are driving development including:

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Topics: b-Stage Epoxy, MMWave Technology, Autonomous cars, Radar technology

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