Harnessing the Benefits: Multi-Functional EMI Shielding Gaskets and Ropes

Posted by Dan Griffin on Jul 26, 2023 2:43:23 PM

In our interconnected world, electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, this surge in technological advancements has also given rise to electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues. EMI can disrupt the proper functioning of electronic devices, leading to performance degradation and potential damage. This is a very sensitive issue, especially in the aerospace and transportation industries. To combat this problem, multi-functional EMI shielding gaskets and ropes have emerged as an innovative solution. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of these shielding components and their significance in various industries.

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Topics: EMI shielding, EMI gaskets, EMI gel rope gaskets

Multifunctional EMI Shielding Gaskets and Ropes

Posted by Dan Griffin on Jun 24, 2020 1:07:20 PM

EMI and RFI shielding of electronic devices can be critical to their reliability and safety. Proper protection and shielding are vital in many challenging industries including aerospace, medical devices, and transportation. In addition to shielding, grounding of devices as well as protection from galvanic corrosion can extend service life and reliability. Chase Corporation has developed a unique line of preformed gasketing and shielding materials that can combine to serve the multiple functions of shielding, grounding, and corrosion resistance within a single material.

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Topics: UV adhesives, EMI/RFI shielding, Gaskets, EMI shielding, RFI shielding, EMI conductive gaskets, Grounding gasket sheets, EMI gaskets, EMI gel rope gaskets

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