How to Apply and Troubleshoot B-Stage Film Epoxy Adhesives

Posted by Dan Griffin on Sep 8, 2023 11:44:42 AM

Resin Designs TechFilm is a product line consisting of high-performance, partially cured epoxy adhesive films. These specialized film adhesives are designed as alternatives to two-part liquid epoxies. Techfilm advantages include clean, precise bond thickness and borders, low and high-temperature resiliency, and harsh environmental conditions resistance. 

An important question arises: what makes these films different than opting for traditional adhesive coatings? Let's review the unique strengths of TechFilm adhesives and discuss how to best implement their unique application process.

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Topics: Epoxy Adhesives, b-Stage Epoxy, Techfilm

All You Need to Know About B-Stage Epoxy Films

Posted by Dan Griffin on May 2, 2019 10:13:13 AM

B-stage epoxy films for clean reliable bonding/thermal and electrical conductivity

Most of us are familiar with epoxy adhesives and coatings, especially those of us within the electronics and medical device industries. We have all seen and often used two-component liquid epoxies. They are provided in syringes or pails for dispensing as adhesives, sealants, gaskets, and coatings. There is, however, a lesser known relative that can be cleaner, more consistent, environmentally friendly, and capable of unique properties such as thermal and electrical conductivity. It is known as B-stage epoxy film

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Topics: Adhesive Solutions, b-Stage Epoxy, Techfilm

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