UV curable conformal coatings have attained widespread use in applications requiring fast through-put times, such as automotive, white goods, and industrial control manufacturing. In addition to speed of cure, UV curable conformal coatings provide the advantage of high physical protection and chemical resistance for electronic systems. Traditionally the UV curing of coatings is an energy intensive process. One that uses high-power mercury discharge lamps, which as a result of use produce considerable amounts of heat and ozone. The recent introduction of new, high-output LED UVA light units allows for the successful cure of conformal coatings by using between 365nm and 395nm wavelength of UVA light, effectively curing with minimal heat and no ozone generation.
Advantages & Characteristics of LED Curable Conformal Coatings
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Dan Griffin on Sep 3, 2020 2:00:00 PM
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Topics: UV Curable (Type AR/UR), Conformal Coating Process, conformal coating application, UV Curing, UV light, UVA