
b* Stability Explained: Nobody Wants a Yellow LCD Display

Posted by Dan Griffin on Sep 23, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Most anyone over the age of 30 has probably seen Back to the Future and remembers Marty McFly. One line of Marty’s that inexorably drew him into ill-advised actions was the classic “Nobody calls me yellow.” Nothing good comes from yellow, and this turns out to be just as applicable in LCD screen manufacture as it was in the movie.

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Topics: LCD displays, LOCA, Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives, Yellowing

Avoiding Bubbles in LOCA During the Assembly of LCD Displays

Posted by Artee Panwar, PhD on Aug 26, 2021 10:00:00 AM

During the assembly process, the use of a liquid optically clear adhesive (LOCA) is important for ideal visual properties in LCD screen manufacture. The assembly process has evolved and advanced, but there are still potential weaknesses or defects that must be taken into account in both adhesive selection and process design. In this blog installment, we will discuss one of these potential defects: entrapped bubbles.

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Topics: Display Adhesives, LCD displays, LOCA, Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives

Eliminate HAZE & Bring Renewed Clarity to LCD Screens with Improved LOCA Adhesives

Posted by Artee Panwar, PhD on Jun 9, 2021 8:30:00 AM

Haze and lack of clarity are considered among the most vexing and stubborn of defects in the assembly of LCD screens and surfaces. Significant advances have been made in the optical quality and capability of liquid crystals and LEDs; however, these advances can be stunted by choices made further along in the assembly process. Specifically, liquid optically clear adhesives (LOCAs) used in the bonding of assembly layers can cause haze and light refraction either immediately or under certain aging conditions. The proper design of LOCA materials must take this risk of haze development into consideration. There are a number of effective approaches to minimizing or eliminating haze.

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Topics: Humiseal, Adhesive Solutions, Display Adhesives, LOCA, Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives

New Bladder Bag Packaging

Posted by Dan Griffin on May 20, 2021 9:52:30 AM

You have a lot of options regarding the packaging of your adhesives and coatings. In this blog installment, we will discuss characteristics, advantages, and concerns regarding one of the more unique alternatives: Bladder Bags

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Topics: Conformal Coating Packaging, Bladder Bag

UV20GEL - Designed to Provide Protection Against Vibration & Mechanical Shock in Electronic Devices

Posted by Humiseal Editor on May 3, 2021 8:45:00 AM

UV20GEL is a recent innovation from the polymer scientists at HumiSeal.

It provides additional durability and ruggedization for printed circuit boards in demanding applications including automotive, aerospace, and appliances among others. This flexible, high adhesion gel is used for staking taller or sensitive components to provide resistance to vibration and mechanical shock conditions. 

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Topics: Electronic Protection, Vibration Suppression, UVGEL, Mechanical Shock

LED-Curable Conformal Coatings: The Green Approach to PCB Protection

Posted by Dan Griffin on Mar 24, 2021 8:30:00 AM

Conformal coatings rose to prominence in protection of printed circuit boards (PCBs) about five decades ago. Through their use, early PCB failures due to dust and dirt, liquids, and humidity contamination were greatly reduced or eliminated. This in turn allowed for the longer warranties and improved reliability we see today. Early conformal coatings, many of which are still in use today, were comprised of polymers dissolved in various solvents such as MEK, toluene, or xylene.

An approximate evolution of conformal coating chemistries could be viewed as

  1. solvent-borne acrylics and polyurethanes
  2. waterborne acrylics
  3. synthetic rubber coatings
  4. UV-curable acrylated urethanes
  5. LED UV-curable acrylated urethanes
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Topics: conformal coating, LED technology, Eco-friendly, LED curable conformal coating

Conformal Coating Your PCBs: How to Prepare for the New 2020 Chinese VOC Limitations

Posted by Dan Griffin on Feb 10, 2021 10:30:00 AM

March 4th of 2020 represented a potentially seminal date for both suppliers and manufacturers within the printed circuit board industry. This was the date of release of four updated Guobiao or “GB” standards related to the VOC content and other harmful substances allowable within supplied inks, adhesives, and protective coatings in China. This change in regulations is the result of China’s three-year action plan begun in 2018. The plan is intended to improve air quality through reduction of VOC emissions by at least 10% as compared to 2015 levels.

The new standards are straightforward but can become difficult to understand as they are often implemented by city and by region.

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Topics: Low VOC Applications, VOC China, LTX Coatings, GB standards, VOC emissions, Sustainability

Significance of Accelerated Weathering Exposure in the Design of LOCA

Posted by Artee Panwar, PhD on Dec 10, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Liquid optically clear adhesives (LOCA) provide superior optical enhancement and anti-glare properties in the manufacture of liquid crystal displays. Light, temperature and moisture can significantly affect the physical and optical properties of these adhesives, promoting yellowing or discoloration, delamination, and loss of adhesion. In this discussion, we will explain the use of “accelerated weathering exposure” in the design of LOCA and its advantages over more traditional individual factor analysis.

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Topics: Adhesive Solutions, Display Adhesives, LCD displays, LOCA, Liquid Optically Clear Adhesives

Conformal Coating Packaging Options: We Can Help You Decide

Posted by Dan Griffin on Nov 12, 2020 1:34:10 PM

Packaging. Not the most complex subject when choosing a conformal coating, but treat the decision too lightly at your peril. There are a surprising number of options available, each suitable to very specific needs and conditions. In this brief presentation we will discuss, from smallest to largest, the various packaging choices available to you, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Topics: conformal coating, Conformal Coating Process, Conformal Coating Packaging

How to Make Sure That Your Conformal Coating Actually Conforms

Posted by Dan Griffin on Oct 1, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Take a quick look at the photograph on your right. If you are in the business of PCB manufacturing with conformal coatings, does it frighten or concern you at all? Does the magnified coating appear to truly “conform” to the surfaces evenly? And if not, what effect, if any, might this have on the protection of your PCBs?

First of all, don’t panic. What you see in the photograph is not unusual and is not necessarily a problem. It is important, however, that if you are in the business of applying conformal coatings, you should have a clear understanding of some of the unique challenges they present.

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Topics: conformal coating, silicone conformal coating, Humiseal, Conformal Coating Process

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